I use the cold winter months to improve my medieval kit. This post is about the "hard" work that I've done, metal and wood. I have been doing some textile work too but that's another story.
At the end
of 2013 I ordered some new arrowheads from Medieval style arrowheads, https://www.facebook.com/MedievalStyleArrowheads?fref=ts.
ThenI started to plane some shafts for these, you can never have too much arrows! ;) I use ash, birch, aspen, poplar and oak for the shafts, depending on the type of arrow I'm making.
ThenI started to plane some shafts for these, you can never have too much arrows! ;) I use ash, birch, aspen, poplar and oak for the shafts, depending on the type of arrow I'm making.
I have a
decent sword but I needed a buckler, and why not make it myself!?
After two failed attempts(too thin metal or my lousy hammering?) I managed to
form a good shape. I attached a birch handle and a leather strap for carrying
it on the sword scabbard. It weights almos as much as the sword, which is good.
Hopefully the handle is good enough, there might be a crack at the rivet, the
future will tell...
Between the
hammering on the buckler, when it was in the forge, I continued practicing on
my caltrops project. This batch is the best so far, small and elegant with good
For all you
Swedes that's reading this, check out Sarah's blogg; Som när det begav sig.
There you can find good reenactment advice for beginners and veterans as well.
This is
Robin from Comapanie of Saint Sebstian. Out.